The Russians Beat Trump To The Gulf Of America By 166 Years
- jim Young “America, where are you now? Don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now? We can't fight alone against the monster.” - Jerry Edmonton & John Kay Pierre Berton, as many of you may recall, was a Canadian historian, writer, journalist, broadcaster, panelist on the long running TV Show “Front Page Challenge” and of course a proud, very proud Canadian. Although I don’t recall all of the minor details, I once heard the following story about Berton. Someone (I don’t even recall if it was a celebrity or an admirer) once asked Pierre Berton if he was an American. “Yes,” Pierre Berton replied proudly, “I’m a North American.” He then went on to clarify, “I’m a Canadian.” U.S. President Donald Trump seems to mistakenly think that the United States somehow has a monopoly on the word “America”. Trump also mistakenly thinks that renaming the “Gulf Of Mexico” as the “Gulf Of America” is somehow going to make people think that the “Gulf Of M...
I love this!
ReplyDelete- You had wished that more people would show their reaction and use the comments on your site rather than just on Facebook. As far as comments go, just make it a regular footnote on your Facebook post. "Please make your comments on my site rather than here."
The issue I have with reactions is that the reaction options do not allow me to express that I "Love" it or say that I find it "Awesome."
I found this, and other entries to be both.
Thanks Gary.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to add more reactions but apparently blogger only allows three. I can however, customize them. Any suggestions for what the 3 reaction options should be?
Hmmm,I wasn't expecting you to call then raise the stakes (not).
DeleteMy first thought is not to have a 'negative' reaction. If they don't like it they can make a comment. I would want to know what people like so I can write more of that kind of thing. Hahaha, that has never motivated either of us.
I know this is a chance to be creative and innovative but people have been trained (brainwashed) to like, love or laugh.
I just don't think it's fair to offer a "positive" reaction without offering an opposite and equal "negative" reaction as well as a "I don't care" reaction.
DeletePerhaps that's why blogger only offers the 3 options.
It's true I want to know what people like so I can write MORE about THAT. But I also want to know what people DON'T like so I can also decide if I want to write MORE about THAT!
Mostly I don't want to write about what people think "they don't care" about.
The standard negative reaction is that the reader will simply click away to something else. I would like to look into the internal workings of Blogspot more to see if there is a 'hit counter' that tells how many people stayed for not long enough to read the whole article and just moved on. That's a negative reaction.
DeleteOkay, Maybe it's just me. I write because it makes me feels good. I know that I will be followed by people who also like that material. If that is no one it had no impact because I still enjoy it. If a million people follow me it just lets me know that I have shared a thought that is popular. Popular is not my goal. Enjoyment is.
In part, I write to learn. I don't always 100% agree with what I write about, but I find a controversial or unusual position will be more likely to invoke a response and provide some feedback that challenges me.
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about the "reactions" is it gives lazy people the opportunity to state their approval (or disapproval) with just a quick click.
I also find there are a lot of people that are too intimidated to leave a comment.
I wish there was also "reactions" for the comments as it would be an easy way for me to acknowledge that I have read the comment and politely say "thank you for your point of view". Yes - I'm often lazy as well.