
Why Not Become The 51st State?

- jim Young Remind me again why I would want to be part of the United States? This is a list of countries rated by their quality of life. Canada ranks No. 5.  The United States didn't even make the Top 10. Hell - they didn't even make the Top 20. I'll bet Trump isn't going to tell you about THAT! The U.S. is so far down the list at No. 22 it would take 2 more pages to get to them. If you want to see for yourself you'll have to check it out at the website US News & World Report Now before all you Trumpers scoff at this, calling it "Fake News" or "Main Stream Media" and trying to discredit it in other subtle ways because you're too lazy to check it out yourself, let me tell you that US News & World Report is a US news media that was established in 1948. U.S. News is generally considered to have a high "factual" record with very little left bias.

Trump's 2nd Terms Is Over




Trump Signs Executive Order To Replace Statue of Liberty


Published In The Great North Arrow, January 15, 2024: My New Year's Evolution

-  jim Young “You say you want a revolution. Well you know. We all want to change the world.” - John Lennon & Paul McCartney Many years ago I made a New Year's resolution to never again make another New Year's resolution. I am proud to say that, unlike most people, I kept that resolution for, not just the whole year, but every year since. So this is not my New Year’s Resolution, but rather my New Year’s Revolution! When most people hear the word “revolution” they think of a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Most, if not all countries around the world have been involved in a revolution at one time or another in their past history. The most recent one that’s been in the news a lot was the failed revolution that was attempted on January 6, 2021 in the United States of America. Or maybe it didn't fail at all. Maybe they’re still just in the middle of it. But, a revolution can define more than just an overthrow of a government. It can be applied to fashion, manuf...

Trump Has Developed A "Musky" Smell


Who Maintains The U.S. Border?
