The Bad, Good Old Days - Part I: Vinyl Records

- jim Young “The great thing about the mind is that it mostly forgets the bad things and only remembers the good things.” - George E. Young It’s important to remember that not everything about the proverbial “good old days” was good. It’s usually just more fun to remember the good stuff. But there were bad things about the “good old days” as well. So from time to time, just to keep things in perspective, I’m going to remind you about some of the bad stuff that happened in the “good old days” . A good example of this would be to take a look at today’s attitudes towards Vinyl Records. By the 1990s, following the introduction of CDs and digital music, the production of vinyl records had pretty much ceased to exist. Then, shortly after the turn of the century vinyl started to make a comeback. Why? Because of a common belief that vinyl recordings are superior to digital recordings. While that may be true, another truth is, in the “good old days” vinyl records did not deliver the quali...