Finance Minister Rod Phillips Breaks Provincial Covid-19 Guidelines

- jim Young “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” - anon Who’s Calling The Kettle Black? It’s possible that when Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips booked his trip to St. Barts in the Caribbean, things seemed to be looking up a bit Covid-wise in Ontario. But by December 13 when he left for his vacation - not so much. Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips Still, we were not in a lock-down situation province wide nor was Phillips likely aware, like the rest of us, that we would be facing a lock-down situation immediately following Christmas. However that does not excuse Phillips’ poor judgement given that the province of Ontario was urging everyone to avoid non-essential travel during that time. When are politicians ever going to learn that they need to lead by example? Phillips’ decision to take that vacation was a monumental, stupid error in judgement on his part. Granted, Phillips is accepting full responsibility for this error in judgement and not trying to make ...