Crispy Buffalo & Teriyaki Chicken Breasts

Like most happily married couples, one of the things that make My Shirley and I “work” is the many things we have in common. 

Crispy Buffalo & Teriyaki Chicken Breasts served with Stuffed BBQ Potatoes NOTE: If the picture looks a little different from your creation it’s probably because I substituted Rice Krispies as we didn’t have any Corn Flakes on hand. We did have Frosted Flakes however, and I considered licking the sugar off the Frosted Flakes and using them but I was worried the “flakes” would be too soggy. 

The other thing that makes us work is our differences.

We have more in common than not, but our differences can also be a strength. I am weak in areas where My Shirley is strong. My Shirley will push while I pull. When my head is in the clouds, My Shirley remains grounded. She is Yin to my Yang.

Just as in everything else, My Shirley and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to food. Pretty much, but not everything. 

“She likes potato while I like pahtato…” No wait, that was Ira and George.

My Shirley likes the ABCs in vegetables, asparagus, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. I can compromise and will eat cauliflower if necessary, but mostly just for the cheese.

I prefer blue cheese, chicken wings and buffalo sauce. Shirley can compromise and will eat chicken wings if necessary, but mostly just for the teriyaki sauce.

And that my friends is my best attempt to segue into this recipe for “Crispy Buffalo & Teriyaki Chicken Breasts.”

You’re getting two for one here as it’s really 2 recipes made together to please the individual palates of my honey and I.

Just like our relationship, this recipe consists of two individual dishes. Its strength lies in the common elements that are complemented by their unique differences.

Gershwins be damned. I’m not about to call this thing off.

Prep. Time: 15 min. 

Bake Time: 30 min.

Total Time: 45 min.

Servings: 4

Stuff You’ll Need:

  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • ¾ tsp salt

  • ½ tsp pepper

  • ¼ cup cheddar cheese, shredded

  • 2 tbsp Teriyaki sauce

  • ¼ cup blue cheese, crumbled

  • 2 tbsp Buffalo sauce

  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise, divided

  • 1 cup cornflakes, crushed, divided

Do This:

  1. Preheat oven to 400° F. 

  2. Use a mallet to flatten chicken breasts to ¼“ thickness. 

  3. Season both sides with salt and pepper.

For The Teriyaki Chicken Breasts

  1. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top of 2 of the breasts.

  2. Roll up each from the short side and use toothpicks to hold together.

  3. Mix together the Teriyaki sauce and half of the mayonnaise.

  4. Pour the Teriyaki sauce mix on a clean plate.

  5. Spread ½ of the cornflakes on another plate.

  6. Place the chicken in the Teriyaki sauce mix and use a brush to cover them.

  7. Roll in the Corn Flakes (as best you can with the toothpicks sticking out) to cover them.

  8. Place in a baking dish sprayed with vegetable oil.

For The Buffalo Chicken Breasts

  1. Sprinkle blue cheese on top of the other 2 breasts.

  2. Roll up each from the short side and use toothpicks to hold together.

  3. Mix together the Buffalo sauce and the rest of the mayonnaise.

  4. Pour the Buffalo sauce mix on a clean plate.

  5. Spread the balance of the cornflakes on the other plate.

  6. Place the chicken in the Buffalo sauce mix and use a brush to cover them.

  7. Roll in the Corn Flakes to cover them.

  8. Place in the baking dish alongside the chicken made with the cheddar cheese and Teriyaki sauce mix.

  9. Bake, uncovered, 30-35 minutes or until chicken is cooked.


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