What IS it?

- jim Young 20190219

“The ghosts you chase you never catch.”
John Malkovich, London Independent, Apr. 5, 1992

Living in a small town in Northern Ontario where everyone knows and watches out for everyone else might seem an unlikely place for someone to have much need of a motion activated, night vision surveillance system.

The truth is, we don’t feel a particular need for it and for the most part our surveillance system was purchased to keep an eye on the night time critters that come to visit more so than to deter burglars.

Anxious to try it out we were somewhat disappointed with the absence of deer this year. It has been a cold, hard winter and with the ice on the ground and the depth of snow we suspect the deer are keeping more to bushy areas to feed rather than struggle through the deep snow to enjoy the treats we leave out for them.

Our local raccoons and skunks are hibernating and for reasons unknown, our fox has stopped coming by for almost a year now.

So while we anxiously await the return of wildlife to capture in their environment on video we have been staring at the video monitors in the evenings hoping that something - anything - will capture our attention.

Finally something DID capture our attention but I’ll be damned if I know what it is!

The most likely explanation is “ghosts”.

At least that seems to be a likely explanation for someone like us as we’re not unfamiliar with poltergeists.

Spiritual entities have followed us from home to home in the past. We have had our share of experiences with ghostly visitors, some of which have been documented by “Canada’s Mr. Mystery”, John Robert Colombo in his book "Ghost Stories of Ontario".

I cannot say with any degree of certainty whether or not what we have captured on video is paranormal activity or a natural phenomenon so I am reaching out to you for your opinions.

Check out this video and let us know what you think this might be.

Here’s the background.
  • These little wisps of light were captured on the night vision setting of our camera using infrared technology.
  • If the video was taken in the summer I would simply have assumed they were moths or june bugs or another type of flying insect, but this video was taken on February 18, 2019 around 7:00 pm at night so I think that safely rules out that possibility.
  • Taking into consideration that the video was taken in the winter, might leave someone to believe the flying entities were actually snowflakes being blown about on a windy, winter’s night. But no. There was no snow falling this night nor any wind to blow any loose snow flakes around which, as you will see in the video fly in ALL directions - north, south, east, west, up and down.
  • If you look closely at the video, you will note the reflection of the moon on the peak of the roof of the garage and the house across the road as the video was shot on a clear night, the night before the full moon.
  • You will also note at about the 1:00 minute mark into the video, the outside front light was turned on for a brief period as I went outside to verify that it wasn’t snowing and there was no wind. Neither my presence nor the sudden light seemed to have any effect on the activity of these entities as the video will continue to show, despite the fact that they remained invisible to my naked eye.
  • Strangely enough, the camera we have mounted in the backyard only captured a very rare occurrence of a single wisp quickly speeding by now and then while the front yard continued to remain very active.
I know many of you will be very skeptical and quick to dismiss the possibility of ghosts. From our previous experiences with ghosts, I am not totally convinced myself. So I welcome suggestions and alternate theories to what you think might be the cause of this unusual activity.

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This was taken on Feb-28 shortly after 9:00 pm.

It wasn't snowing.

I'm not saying it's a ghost or an orb or anything - but What the HELL was it?

Consistent with the size of the camera lens and the distance this appeared to be to the camera I would hazard a guess that, whatever this was, it was probably smaller than a quarter in size.


  1. UPDATE: We watched our cameras again tonight (the night following the activity described above) and only witnessed about 2 dozen of the same kinds of activity.

    Each event however, was a singular wisp quickly passing by in what appeared to be a random motion of North, South, East or West direction, sometimes upward and sometimes downward.

    The weather conditions are all pretty much the same as last night.

    It is also interesting to note that the approximate 2 dozen episodes we witnessed tonight were equally divided between the camera in the front yard and the camera in the back yard.

    1. It's simple. They are Specters. They are like the deer and foxes that you routinely see but they haven't bothered to take on a physical form, yet. Just another kind of wildlife, except that they feed on attention. The more you see them, the more you will see them. They like that. Tomorrow, they will be the red squirrels that you are trying to keep out of your roof and they won't understand why you don't love them anymore.

  2. Interesting concept. We will be keeping an eye out for them and by doing so - hopefully encourage them - until they take the form of a red squirrel or a spider.


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