Maybe We Should Be Looking At The Bigger Picture (Cavalier For President)

- jim Young

“I’d rather be living in Philadelphia.” W. C. Fields

There’s nothing a politician likes better than to get his name in the news in a favourable light. So when an assassination attempt was recently made on Donald Trump, politicians in the U.S. and around the world were quick to have their say, send “best wishes” to Trump and offer indignant condemnation.

Except Russia. At least Russia was not being hypocritical. Putin has no plans to call Trump to speak with him personally as so many other world leaders have and Maria Zakharova, spokesman for the Russian foreign ministry suggested, American lawmakers should employ the money they use to supply weapons to Ukraine "to finance the American police and other services which should ensure law and order within the United States.” 

And while the rest of the world condemned the attempted assassination, I can’t help but feel many of them may not be as fully committed to the root problem as they might be.

Here’s what some of them had to say (in no particular order)… you be the judge.

Not everyone limited their condemnation to “political” violence only, however. Here was one very refreshing exception to the rule.

Maybe Mayor Cavalier Johnson would make a good replacement for Biden in the 2024 election.

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