Published in The Great North Arrow, August 1, 2023: Names, Names, Names (Are You A Diminutive Of...)

Part I of a 3 Part Series on Names - jim Young “Who are you? Who, who, who, who?” - by The Who (of course) and more specifically, Pete Townshend. At some point in your life you likely wondered where your name came from. For most of us, our last name was inherited through many generations, although for some it may have changed somewhat over time. For example, my great-great grandmother was a "Warnica" although her father was a "Warnick" and her grandfather was actually a "Werneck". But the history of your given name is much more recent. Your parents can usually take the credit for what you are likely most commonly known today; or the blame as the case may be. Many people, however, do not go by the precise given name that is recorded on their birth certificate. My birth certificate lists my given name as “James” while mostly I am known as “Jim” although I prefer “jim” . Over the years I have also answered to Jimmie (mostly by my mother and sisters), Jimb...