Published In The Great North Arrow, April 2021: Why I Trust Big Pharma With The Covid Vaccine

Why I Trust Big Pharma With The Covid Vaccine

- jim Young

“Life or death for a young child too often depends on whether he was born in a country where vaccines are available or not.” - Nelson Mandella

Let me first qualify my title by saying, “I DON’T trust Big Pharma. At least not completely and certainly not without reservation.”

I have read the conspiracy theories exposing the evils of Big Pharma and their plots to control and profit by keeping people sick. Everyone has heard stories about Big Pharma’s efforts to discredit and censor natural remedies that might be as, or more effective than, their chemical equivalents.

Now, I have a tendency to believe that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Big Pharma has a history of fraud, bribery, lawsuits and scandals and have received countless criminal charges and fines. That seems pretty smoky if you ask me.

To complicate matters, when you have THAT much money, it doesn’t become much of a stretch to believe that government agencies might also be in their back pocket. So who’s watching the watchdog?

Why would anyone put any trust in Big Pharma? The point is, that despite everything else, they do produce results. And whether or not you believe their reports are corrupt, they are required to produce data to prove their results.

Over 20 years ago I survived a stroke. I was very lucky as I dodged a very large bullet and was left with virtually no long term disabilities.

Following my stroke, I put myself on a very strict diet. I literally tracked every food morsel and every ounce of every liquid that passed through my lips. I threw out our deep fryer, gave up drinking and most of my favourite fatty junk foods and began to exercise. I started riding a bike to and from work. My doctor was in disbelief when he saw the diet and regime I had chosen for myself.

I was disappointed that I wasn’t losing weight as quickly as I had hoped, but even more discouraging was my cholesterol levels did not drop as both my doctor and I had expected, leaving me at high risk for another stroke. 

Dr. McTurk explained that sometimes even the healthiest people are just predisposed to high levels of cholesterol no matter how much they diet and exercise. Then he wrote me a prescription for Lipitor. Dr. McTurk also determined a prescription to help lower my blood pressure would be prudent.

My heart and stroke specialist already had me on a very aggressive blood thinner.

The effectiveness of the cholesterol and blood pressure medication can be easily measured with blood tests and a simple blood pressure monitor. 

And I know the blood thinners are working because My Shirley gets upset when I scratch mosquito bites at night and the resulting bleeding stains our bedsheets.

So I know these products from Big Pharma are effective and are producing real results that help to keep me alive.

Are there natural alternatives available that might be just as effective and maybe even better for me? Possibly. However I have neither the knowledge nor the inclination to research them and seek them out. The biggest advantage of using the Big Pharma solution is that it has allowed me to revert to my otherwise less healthy lifestyle of wings and beer. 

The purpose of the medications I take today are literally to help me live a longer, if not long life, in the lifestyle of my choice and I think I owe some debt of gratitude to Big Pharma for that.

The point is, just like me, not everyone can or will choose natural options for their health and their immune systems.

When it comes to Covid-19 I think most everyone will agree that we need to develop herd immunity in order to overcome the pandemic we are faced with today. But how do we achieve that? 

Some people refuse to believe there’s a problem. They are willing to ignore all the recommended remedies such as social distancing, the wearing of masks, vaccinations etc. There’s nothing we can do about them.

Others believe there are natural ways to boost your immunity without the use of Big Pharma. While I don't disbelieve that may be a viable option how are we going to get the masses to practice that option faithfully? The point is - we aren't. At least not in the short term.

There's a much better chance however, that we can convince the masses to accept the alternative and get the vaccinations that will help us achieve herd immunity. 

Yes, there are side effects and risks to using vaccinations and it may not always be effective for everyone, just as I have shown that natural remedies were not effective in my case. I have said time and again I do not believe in mandatory vaccinations and this is the reason why. Those who choose vaccination for protection should do so and those who choose things like natural immune boosters should do so.

Doing nothing however, is simply irresponsible.

We need to get the largest percentage of the population immune, whether it's through natural or manufactured methods, as quickly as possible so we can get back to living our lives to what is quickly becoming the “good old days”.

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