Without Question

- jim Young 1993/0621/20080227/20130227

It’s funny how many things we accept without question. Like the theory that no two snowflakes are alike.

Whoever said there are no two snowflakes alike? We've heard it since we were children and were taught it was an absolute truth until we no longer questioned the reasoning behind it.

I think there is a very good possibility that there are, somewhere out there, two snowflakes that are alike.

Not 100% identical maybe, but very much alike. After all they do have some things in common. They all have 6 points (although that is another “truth” that I might challenge at a different time) they are all made of crystallized water, etc.

Who has examined so many snowflakes that they can categorically state there are no two alike?

Did this person take a cross section percentage of snowflakes in the same manner that Neilsen determines TV ratings to arrive at this conclusion? Did he examine a determined number of snowflakes and does he continue to do so each year and compare them with the previous year's crop to continue to confirm this truth?

There are almost an infinite number of snowflakes that have fallen over the centuries and an infinite number more to follow. What percentages are examined each year to ensure that the person who originally arrived at this conclusion was not just making the whole thing up?

No one ever let Darwin's theory of evolution go unchecked. I'm certain there are scientists and students all over the world that continue to study Einstein’s theory of relativity to look for loopholes.

But what about the snowflake guy? Who's checking up on him?

There are also an infinite number of stars and constellations in the universe. Does it not stand to reason that the snowflake theory would apply to them as well?

Yet we all know there is a Little Dipper and a Big Dipper. They are alike, even if not identical. (One is big – one is little.)

But has anyone ever made a claim that there are no two constellations alike?

What are the chances of this happening anyway? Is it according to the same principle that if you let 1,000 monkeys randomly type on 1,000 typewriters for infinite years, that one would reproduce a great text such as one of Shakespeare’s works?

If so, what monkey, in 1,000 do you suppose was positioning these stars for the 1,000 years it took to get 2 dippers alike?

An uneducated person might very well assume that there must be, someplace, somewhere two snowflakes that are alike. Yet with our “higher” education, we have been taught to accept without question that this is not true.

And without proof – doesn’t it seem more believable that there really have been – somewhere out there – 2 snowflakes alike?

In fact I think I once found 2 snowflakes that were alike. But by the time I got my camera ready to take their picture, they had melted in my hand. Too bad snowflakes weren’t more like M&Ms.

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