Without Question
- jim Young 1993/0621/20080227/20130227 It’s funny how many things we accept without question. Like the theory that no two snowflakes are alike. Whoever said there are no two snowflakes alike? We've heard it since we were children and were taught it was an absolute truth until we no longer questioned the reasoning behind it. I think there is a very good possibility that there are, somewhere out there, two snowflakes that are alike. Not 100% identical maybe, but very much alike. After all they do have some things in common. They all have 6 points (although that is another “truth” that I might challenge at a different time) they are all made of crystallized water, etc. Who has examined so many snowflakes that they can categorically state there are no two alike? Did this person take a cross section percentage of snowflakes in the same manner that Neilsen determines TV ratings to arrive at this conclusion? Did he examine a determined number of snowflakes and does he conti...