Let's Ask Santa - as told to jim Young

Santa answers the questions that children ask.

Let's Ask Santa
as told to jim Young

We all know reindeer like to play games because the song tells us Santa's reindeer "never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.”

If you are a child now or ever were a child I’ll bet you’ve often wondered just what kinds of games reindeer DO play!

Maybe you’ve wondered other things about Santa too, such as “Why does Santa have the same wrapping paper as my mom?”

And just who HASN’T sometimes wondered how Santa gets into houses that don’t have chimneys?

Well now you and your children can get the real answers to these questions from Santa Claus himself.

“Let’s Ask Santa” is a collection of questions everyone wants to know about Santa and the North Pole and they are answered by Santa himself as told to author jim Young from Loring, Ontario and writer for the Great North Arrow.

You may be surprised to discover that Santa doesn’t rely on magic nearly as much as you might think.

Most of the answers to these questions have simple down-to-earth logical explanations. A few are a little more complex but all will amaze you and all are certain to satisfy the curiosity of Santa’s biggest believers.

“Why won’t Santa bring me a puppy or kitty for Christmas?”

“Why does Santa live at the North Pole?”

“Why did Santa choose reindeer to pull his sleigh?”

“How many times a year does Santa have to change Rudolph’s nose?”

“Why didn’t Santa bring me what I asked for?”

The next time your children ask you a question about Santa that you can’t answer, take the opportunity to reach for your copy of “Let’s Ask Santa”, sit down and spend a few moments with them to find out together. 

When your children know you are listening to them, taking them seriously, and helping them seek out the answers they are looking for, your involvement will validate their experience and bring you closer together as a family.

Santa is a storyteller that goes beyond just answering these questions. He also provides some interesting background that will help your children learn a bit about the world around them and how other cultures celebrate Christmas. In today’s skeptical world these stories will help your children remain “believers” for many more years to come.

You can purchase this book from Amazon.

Kindle edition $2.99

Paperback $9.99

Hardcover $20.80

(plus shipping and taxes)

Or you can buy an autographed copy of the paperback for $9.99 plus $5.00 for shipping by emailing NorthPoleCity@outlook.com 


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