Parmesan & Onion Potato Omelette

My cousin Steve won’t be able to make this recipe because it’s made with leftover mashed potatoes. Leftover mashed potatoes are as foreign in his house as leftover wine is in my sister Lori’s house. I too love mashed potatoes, so when cooking them, I always make more than I know I can fit into my over-size belly at one sitting just so I will have leftover mashed potatoes for recipes like my Mashed Potato Salad. Ironically however, even though I did happen to have leftover mashed potatoes on the day I came up with this recipe, I was really just trying to use some leftover breading that I had from making some chicken wings that day. I make my chicken wing breading in large quantities ahead of time so I can quickly make some chicken wings on a moment’s notice. Inevitably I will always measure out a little more of my made-up breading than I require and, after dusting my raw wings into the breading, I feel it is probably unsafe to save the leftover breading mix for future use. Coming...