Apples For The Teacher

- jim Young “In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” - Gordie LaChance from the movie “Stand By Me.” Like most everyone, I have many fond and some not so fond memories of my school days. I leave it to you to decide which category this falls into. Either way, this story that takes me back to the 1960s when I was in Grade 5 or 6, remains one of my favourite stories to tell. This was of course pre-Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader but there was never a shortage of material to read in our bathroom when I was young. My father would bring home a variety of pocket books from his IGA that would be left behind for the rest of the family to enjoy. Now inappropriate for ALL ages! They were books like the pocket book versions of MAD magazine, Andy Cap, Riddle-De-Dee by Bennett Cerf, The Strange World of Mr. Mum, Army Cartoons and of course Playboy’s Party Jokes illustrated with sexy drawings of Playboy’s trademark Femlin created by ...