I Came, I Saw...

- jim Young

“We can talk all night, but that ain't gettin us nowhere.

I told you everything I possibly can, there's nothing left inside of here…

Now don't be sad, ‘cause two out of three ain't bad.” - Jim Steinman

I came, I saw… well two out of three ain’t bad.

It’s time for the truckers to pack up and go home. They’ve made their point. 

They can call it a “win” and go home while they’re ahead. 

I know, I know the “plan” was to stay until the government reversed the vaccine mandates Was anyone really naive enough to think THAT was ever going to happen?

If you don’t like the government we currently have in place, you certainly won’t like a government that changes their mind on a whim every time a bunch of people get together to organize a protest against something they don’t like. I believe they call that kind of government, anarchy.

And I don’t think the majority of Canadians are ready for the alternative which would be an outright revolution.

Trudeau was never going to back down. He won’t. He can’t. And right or wrong, he shouldn’t. The government needs to find a solution that will allow them to correct their wrongs without losing face. Give them that, not for the sake of the government, but for the sake of Canada.

For the most part the Trucker’s Convoy has been a pretty peaceful and civil protest. Yes there were a few unruly and minor incidents. That is bound to happen with any large scale protest such as this. And to a large degree it has brought a lot of Canadians together; more so than our government has been able to do for a very long time.

The Trucker’s Convoy has brought Canadians world wide recognition and instilled a sense of pride in many Canadians. Good for them!

We know how to come together and we know how to peacefully demonstrate without letting emotions overcome us to turn into violent mob rule.

At least we have so far. Should we be pushing our luck?

What will staying until someone gets frustrated and things get out of control accomplish?

You’ll be playing right into the government’s hands. The government would love to see the Canadians that are supporting the Trucker’s Convoy, turn on them.

Take down the “Fuck Trudeau” flags and wave your Canadian Flags high and proud as you return home screaming “VICTORY!” with truck horns blaring. Leave with as much pomp and circumstance as you arrived to let the world KNOW you were victorious and were the “better man” for it all.

Whether it is apparent or not, your voice has been heard by the government. They KNOW where Canadians stand on this issue. The message was received loud and clear. The ball is in their court. The best you can hope for is changes will be expedient.

If not, the next election will likely tell a different tale.

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