
- jim Young

“There's only you and me and we just disagree. - Dave Mason”

Disclaimer: Most of my articles are nothing more than my opinion. That is not to say that they do not contain factual information, nor would I ever purposely include misleading or false information, just that the conclusions I draw from whatever material I have presented, is my opinion.

I stop short of adding “and my opinion only” because I would hope that if my opinion is not already shared with others, that my presentation of the material I present might be convincing enough to win you over.

If not, that’s okay too. At least you have heard me out and perhaps I have provided you with some food for thought.

And at the very least, I would hope you have been entertained.

I will accept responsibility for anything that I put my name to. Mind you, I also want the credit. But under no circumstances would I expect anyone else to accept responsibility (or take credit) for any of my literary work.

That sounds reasonable and fair, doesn’t it?

So why did Rudy Giuliani get his tits in a knot when WABC Radio added the following disclaimer to his radio show? 

"The views, assumptions and opinions expressed by former U.S. Attorney, former attorney to the President of the United States and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, his guests and callers on the program are strictly their own, and do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs or policies of WABC Radio, its owner Red Apple Group and other WABC hosts or our advertisers.”

After hearing the disclaimer, apparently Giuliani somehow felt his “freedom of speech” was being challenged. "Gives you a sense of how far this free speech thing has gone.”

I thought this guy was a lawyer? How does WABC’s desire to disassociate their views with Giuliani’s views suggest an invasion of Giuliani’s Freedom of Speech? 

The disclaimer is nothing more than WABC invoking their Freedom of Speech by stating up front that they do not necessarily agree with Giuliani.

Isn’t that one of a democracy’s great freedoms? The right to disagree?

In fact, WABC was actually supporting Giuliani’s Freedom of Speech. Afterall, Giuliani was still on the air to make that ridiculous statement. WABC was supporting Giuliani’s Freedom of Speech by saying, we don’t necessarily agree with Giuliani, but we’re letting him have his say, anyway.

What is Giuliani afraid of? Could it be that if Giuliani is sued for the things he says (and he is being sued for that, by the way) he wants to have someone to take down with him?

If that’s the case it certainly demonstrates Giuliani’s confidence in himself as a lawyer to win his own cases.

Rudy Giuliani Fumes on Air About 'Insulting' Disclaimer Added to His Radio Show by Samson Amore

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