“Everything You’ve Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie” - Review
- jim Young 20200209 The documentary "Everything You've Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie" is a lie and it only took 20 seconds into the film to find the first lie. "I started doing a lot of research," one of the filmmakers claimed. I don’t know where he got his research or what he defines as a “lot” but one of the first things he should have discovered about visiting Cuba is, if you try to take a drone or anything that might be considered a tool of espionage into Cuba, you’re going to have a delay at customs and may not be permitted entry. Not a very clever start for an investigative journalist. From the video it looks like most of his research came from travel sites. There’s nothing wrong with starting there, but did he really expect to find anything but “a very beautiful country. Very colorful photos with all the classic American cars?” That’s called marketing. You know about marketing - it’s a key component to American capitalism. It doesn’t ta...