Critters We Encountered In Cuba
Dogs The first critters you are likely to Resting while patiently waiting for dinner to be served. meet in Cuba are the dogs. Dogs are everywhere beginning right at the airport as a friendly little spaniel scurries about sniffing for contraband as all new arrivals pass through security. But they are also in the streets and often in the resorts. At Marea del Portillo there were several very well behaved dogs that quickly learned which guests were most likely to share their dinner with them and which guests would shun them. Sometimes they didn't even want food, just a friendly petting on the head or scratching of their bellies. Not once did we step in, or even see dog poop so they were either trained to do their business elsewhere or the gardeners were very efficient at cleaning up after them. Waiting for the Water Ballet to begin. Of course there are many dogs off the resort as well. Some are pets belonging to local Cubans while many other run wild searching for...