It's Time To Take Back America!

- jim Young That’s right, we need to take back America. The good citizens of the United States have referred to themselves as “Americans” for so long that the label “American” has become synonymous with the people of the United States. But that’s not accurate. The “United States of America” was chosen as their official name on September 9, 1776 but that does not give them exclusive right to the American moniker. While all people that are citizens of the United States may be Americans, it does not follow that all Americans are citizens of the United States. There are a total of 23 countries that make up North America and another 12 in South America. The total population of the “Americas” is over 1 billion people. That’s 1 billion Americans! Why are the people of the U.S. the only country in these continents being referred to as Americans? There are no other countries in the world that are named the “United States”. There is no “United States of Europe” or no “United States of Africa” th...