- jim Young “America, where are you now? Don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now? We can't fight alone against the monster.” - Jerry Edmonton & John Kay Pierre Berton, as many of you may recall, was a Canadian historian, writer, journalist, broadcaster, panelist on the long running TV Show “Front Page Challenge” and of course a proud, very proud Canadian. Although I don’t recall all of the minor details, I once heard the following story about Berton. Someone (I don’t even recall if it was a celebrity or an admirer) once asked Pierre Berton if he was an American. “Yes,” Pierre Berton replied proudly, “I’m a North American.” He then went on to clarify, “I’m a Canadian.” U.S. President Donald Trump seems to mistakenly think that the United States somehow has a monopoly on the word “America”. Trump also mistakenly thinks that renaming the “Gulf Of Mexico” as the “Gulf Of America” is somehow going to make people think that the “Gulf Of M...