Trump Reveals His Source For His Claim That Immigrants Are Eating Pets

 - jim Young

“Beware of false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance.” - George Bernard Shaw

“Fake news”, or more correctly “lies” have been around pretty much forever. The actual term “fake news” however was first used in the 1890s.

So although Donald Trump didn’t invent the term “Fake News”, according to Wikipedia, “Trump has been credited with popularizing the term by using it to describe any negative press coverage of himself”.

Aye… there’s the rub. “Negative press” isn’t really the same thing as a “lie” now, is it?

Regardless, wouldn’t you think that someone that is so sensitive to “negative press” and to be fair, even “misinformation” in some cases being reported about him, would be wary of the validity of any information from those same sources?

At the very least, it would certainly behoove a politician running for such an important position as President of The United States Of America to vet the accuracy of this information prior to declaring it a fact on National Television.

Wouldn’t anything less just make him look “silly?”

But Donald Trump admitted on National Television that the sole source of his misinformation about pets being eaten in Springfield was “the people on television say…” 

Trump might have been forgiven had he been able to say “a city official was reported as saying…” or “the Springfield police department allege…” but “the people on television say…?”  Really? THAT’S your source?

Do you really want to give a guy that relies solely on those kinds of sources to get his information, the power to push the button?

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