- jim Young "Falling down is a part of life. Getting back up is living.” - anon My cousin insists on telling me that at my age, I shouldn’t even own a ladder. He’s probably right. But I do. It’s just a 20’ extension ladder and it comes in very handy in times when I need to put up my Christmas lights or get up on my roof to clean my chimney. Like last winter. I figure winter is the safest time to use a ladder because at least there’s snow to soften the blow when I slip and fall. And I don’t really worry about falling off the ladder so much as I worry about falling off the roof. Steel roofs have a tendency to be slippery. Especially when they are coated with 6” of ice and another few inches of snow. But there I was, up on the roof with my chimney sweep in hand all set to give it a good cleaning. As I was removing the chimney cap, a piece of creosote got in my eye. When the watering of my eye failed to wash it out, I thought it might help if I removed my contact lens. Try as I might...