Who Was That Masked Man?

- jim Young “You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.” - Abraham Lincoln Two of my childhood heroes wore masks that they refused to take off in public. The Lone Ranger and Zorro wore masks in their fight to save lives. The Lone Ranger and Zorro Although I am no superhero, for over a year now, I too wore a mask in public to help save lives. But I’m ready to take it off now. 50% of Canadians have received their second dose of vaccines to protect themselves against Covid-19. 80% have received at least one dose and are partially protected from the virus. It stands to reason that the 30% difference have likely signed up and are in the process of getting their second dose. Or maybe they're not. That's up to them. But it’s estimated that the remaining 20% of Canadians may not get vaccinated - ever. Half of those are anti-vaxxers that will exercise their right not to be vaccinated. That’s their choice. The other half are either un...