Why We Need Two Incomes

- jim Young “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” - Dolly Parton We live in a disposable world. Everything from paper cups to spouses are disposable these days. And it costs us big time (especially the latter). Not only has this become a problem for our environment, it’s also the cause of a lot of our social problems. Excessiveness is also part of the problem. We all have too much stuff. People complain that two incomes are required to survive in today’s world. It is very rare to see a stay-at-home mom anymore. The decision to become a career mom may be based on many facets but economic need remains a major contributing factor. I think our attitude towards material things has a lot to do with it too. We have a pair of scissors in our kitchen. We also have a pair of scissors here in my den. I can’t be bothered walking all the way down to the kitchen to get the scissors when I need them. When I say “all the way down”, I don’t mean down a flight...