Don Cherry - Little Man, Big Mouth

- jim Young (191112) When someone says, “He’s a good guy once you get to know him,” what they’re really saying is “He’s an asshole, but you’ll get used to it.” - anon When Don Cherry referred to immigrants as “you people” , suggesting they should be wearing a poppy in support of the “these guys” that “paid for your way of life” what he was overlooking was “these guys” were actually defending the way of life that allows the “you people” as well as every other Canadian to choose if they would like to wear a poppy or not. Let’s be honest here. Not every Canadian, whether immigrant or natural born, wear poppies in support of veterans. “These guys” paid for every one of us to choose which causes we would like to support. Or not. However it should also be remembered that “these guys” also paid for Don Cherry’s right to voice his opinion; at least as Don Cherry if not a spokesman for Sportsnet. Afterall, “these guys” likewise paid for Sportsnet’s right to de...