The Scariest Night Of The Year

- jim Young 20191025 It's Hallowe'en, the lamp is lit, And 'round the fire, we children sit, 'Til sister Susie says "Hushhhhhh!" What's that peeking 'round the kitchen door? What's that creeping ‘cross the bedroom floor? What's that screeching like it’s throat is sore? It's a GOBLIN! - anon I remember sitting in the darkened living room in Gramma Young’s house in Stroud on Hallowe’en night singing this song with my 3 sisters. By the end of the first verse, I was so terrified that I would not dare venture into the dining room without the protection of one of my older sisters by my side, her hand held tightly in mine. "What's that screeching like it's throat is sore?" That was the fun of Hallowe’en - scaring ourselves silly. It was scarier than the wooden roller coaster at the CNE. The darkness of night had already arrived when Dad got home from work to help us carve the pumpkin. Lit with a candle a...