The 5 Year Aging Scale
- jim Young “I was never obligated to growing UP, but I had no choice in growing OLD.” - Steve Greeley Calculating my age. I don't know about you, but I literally have to stop and do the calculations whenever someone asks me how old I am. And even then, because I was born at the end of the year, I usually have to deduct 1 anyway. Minus-ing even 1 in my head is sometimes a mental challenge these days. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if the number didn't change every year. Why can't we celebrate birthdays just every 5 years instead? Sure, our age would then be recorded in 5 year increments, but it might be easier to remember. We’re 60 for 5 years, then 65 for 5 years and so on. To let people know we are using the “5 year aging scale” we could qualify that by adding a plus sign to it. Let’s face it, if you want to be technical, even one day after our 65th birthday we are really 65.0028 years old (rounded to 5 digits). Telling someone we are 65+ is really mor...