Published In The Great North Arrow, December 1, 2022: Christmas Shopping For Aunt Edna

- jim Young With Christmas just weeks away, who has their Christmas shopping done? Nearly done? Started? Whenever I used to ask that question of my coworkers in December, I was met with scorn and sternly told, "Don't remind me. I'm running out of time." “Hey, don’t blame me.” I would innocently reply in defense. “I warned you last January 25th that you had 11 months until Christmas and on February 25th I reminded you that you had 10 months until Christmas and so on.” Yes, I was that guy. “You got mad at me then and wouldn’t listen,” I would remind them, “so you have no excuse for ‘running out time’ now.” Personally, I love to save at least some of my Christmas Shopping until the last minute as I enjoy wandering through the bustle of the stores among the crowds, admiring the decorations and listening to the Christmas Music playing in the malls. But some people like to do their Christmas Shopping early. As an occasional writer for the website Quora, I was recently ask...