Published in The Great North Arrow, September 2019: Respect And Responsibility

- by jim Young “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” - Eleanor Roosevelt I have over 46,000 digital pictures on my hard drive. That doesn’t include many that I have saved to DVD. I also have albums and shoeboxes filled with hundreds of old black and white and colour photos that had to be developed before digital cameras were invented. Safely stored away somewhere in one of my closets is a box that contains a few hundred feet of old 8mm and Super 8mm home movies. Almost everyone today has a digital camera or a camera phone and moments that were once only file d away in our memories are now readily available to share, not only with family and friends, but the whole world. Who is ever going to see even a small percentage of all these moments in time that we seem obsessed with capturing? Gone are the days when you might take one or two pictures because taking more was expensive and a waste of the precious 12, 24 or 36 picture...